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Things I learned from Veronica Mars

I just finished watching all the three seasons of the show plus the follow-up movie based on the character Veronica Mars, and I love it.

Veronica Mars,the protagnist is a high school student who helps her father (who is a Private detective) solve cases. She also helps her classmates using her sleuthing skill. Well, as far as the High School drama is concered the show is like a less bitcher and glamourous version of Gossip Girl . It is a little dark at places and the picturization reminds of Alferd Hitchcock movies. It is a great and engaging show, which has something for almost everyone.

However, I love the show for it main character, i.e. Veronica Mars. She is the most badass person I have come across on Television. She is smart, sassy, courageous and confident. Her wisecracks and humourous exchange with her father are the best parts of the show for me. Well, as the title suggests I am somewhat smitten with her character and relate a lot with her and have learnt a lot from her as well.( What may follow may sound cliche and many readers would think that have I not learnt this from other sources as well, but this show has just reminded me of the these things again, especially at a time when I desperately needed it)

The most important takeaway from the show was to stand for what you believe in, even if the whole world is against you, however this should not be akin to stubborness; admit when you are wrong.

It also reminded me that being friendless is not actually a bad thing, it might actually  a boon sometimes, a blessing in disguise allowing you to find yourself and to understand who are actually your friends. It also taught me to be my own person despite whatever anyone may say. 

I also remembered how important it was to be able to laugh at oneself (Veronica did this by making blonde jokes on herself) and the importance of  humour even in  the most dire situations. 

Finally it reaffirmed my belive that scarcasm is one of the most purest joys of life. 

I think my decision to watch Veronica Mars was Godsend ( Don't worry people I have not suddenly embraced religion), right when I was about to give up on what a lot of people call "bitchiness" Veronica Mars showed me how to embrace my inner Bitch.
So, I guess the appropiate ending to this post would be, "The Bitch is Back" ( A reference to the last episode of the Show)


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