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Showing posts from November, 2014

Best friend and crush!!

Okay I think disaster has struck my life, my best friend, well okay calling her best friend would be erroneous, but one of the closest friend in college, is on better terms with my crush than I am. Well in all frankness she does not even know that I have a crush on him, but still it is killing me. I mean this is not even a girl I can bitch about, and make myself feel better. And as I haven't told her till now that I have a crush on him telling her now would be really wrong, so what am I supposed to do. And worse what if this friendship blossoms into a relationship, would I be able to be around them without being bitter. I mean its not that I really like him probably if I give it another semester it will fade away on its own but given that they are so close now is really killing me . So the crux of the matter remains what to do now?

That bad feeling

Why do bad things happen to good people, why do people hurt the person they used to love, why to people deceive and cheat each other and why can't my roommate shut up? Why, why, why?? So based on these deep, deep question one could realize how bad do I feel right now, I have this feeling in the pit of my stomach, at the bottom of my heart, in the back of my mind that something bad, like really, really bad is going to happen. And bad and sad things are have been happening around me this whole evening from, falling and crashing of vehicles to breaking of people's heart. Let me clear this up, the affected party is not me, not even a close friend but just an acquaintance, but he is really sweet and I feel really bad for him, like really bad . And the girl who broke up with him is so mean and selfish and inconsiderate. Another clarification is warranted I think, this one relates to the fact that I don't like this guy in the romantic sort of way; I don't have a crush on ...

A girl on the edge

Once there lived a girl who was a first year law student, she was generally a very rational and calm person but she only had one fault, she could not tolerate imbeciles, and as luck would have it she was surrounded by them. Usually she would control herself and not say anything, but after a particularly bad and exhaustive week when all she wanted  was a moment solitariness, she was thrown together with people she could not tolerate, and now the helpless girl goes about avoiding those who irritate her and push her to the edge making her, the girl on the edge.* *Based on a real life story

How to waste time like a pro

Okay I have had a really busy week up till this point, I just completed a research paper in two days. Yeah it is possible if you do not sleep for two straight days. So today I finally submitted my research paper, I am done with my torts test, I feel I have every right to feel, light and happy and free today, but the sad part is I can't, I can't just sit back with a good book or catch up with a series today and go off to sleep early today because I have to my sociology presentation tomorrow, now one can understand how I just don't want to do it anymore I just don't. So the solution waste time, till it is literally on your head and then do it in the last moment when the pressure finally gets to you. So in the mean time waste time. My formula for wasting time- Check your Facebook every 5 minutes Go and read random post like-"20 things which say that you have the best room mate ever" Get into a comment fight with a friend Chat on Whatsapp with old friends C...