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Showing posts from June, 2016

Things I learned from Veronica Mars

I just finished watching all the three seasons of the show plus the follow-up movie based on the character Veronica Mars, and I love it. Veronica Mars,the protagnist is a high school student who helps her father (who is a Private detective) solve cases. She also helps her classmates using her sleuthing skill. Well, as far as the High School drama is concered the show is like a less bitcher and glamourous version of Gossip Girl . It is a little dark at places and the picturization reminds of Alferd Hitchcock movies. It is a great and engaging show, which has something for almost everyone. However, I love the show for it main character, i.e. Veronica Mars. She is the most badass person I have come across on Television. She is smart, sassy, courageous and confident. Her wisecracks and humourous exchange with her father are the best parts of the show for me. Well, as the title suggests I am somewhat smitten with her character and relate a lot with her and have learnt a lot from her...

My first Hemingway

Now, I know why people are so crazy about Hemingway’s writing. It is just so powerful, and the most intriguing part is you can’t tell why is so beautiful and moving.  The writing is so simple, it is the way I write, yet it just leaves you breathless; so familiar yet so stunning.  Maybe it is the vivid description or may be it the way the characters are developed I can’t tell what has left me so impressed, but I know one thing this book has changed my life. And the weirdest part is that the book I just finished, Farewell to the Arms, it is set in a completely different time, an era which is unknown to me. The central characters and I share nothing in common yet I know how they feel, I can empathize with them. Now, for someone who reads as much as I do, people might wonder don’t I get this feeling quite often for characters  who are also placed very differently than I am. Well, yes and no. Yes, I do and no because it is not the same. Yes, I feel mortified with Lizzie ...

Not a Teenager anymore

Well, I think it is about time I revamp my blog. There are a cuple of reasons for this- to begin with I am not a teenager anymore I just turned 20 so the blog desperately needs a name change. Plus I started this blog when I was really young with really no clear motive in mind . Over the past two years it has become more like my online journal, but a very ill documented one at that. I become activee on it when I feel like and leave it at the drop of the hat. My lack of commitment to this blog is something which I am really ashamed off, I know I have no readership so I slack off more and thus begins the vicious cycle. I did not start this blog for the readership but then again I don't really remember why did I ever start it in the first place. I remember I always thought ( and still do) that I was a good writer  and ws capable of producing something that the world would be inerested in reading. But, now I do realize that though I am a good  writer but there are better writers...