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Showing posts from April, 2015

Is it okay?

Lately I have been wondering is it okay to just let go once in awhile, to just stop and listen to the music to feel the wind, to sleep in, to give myself time off. Have I worked hard enough, have I done enough? But then what is enough? When is anything ever going to be enough?  

The all consuming hatred

I hate my roommates, I abhor them, I wish them unwell from the bottom of my heart. I just want them to disappear into thin air and just get out of my life. Well, I think the above sentences appropriately convey my depth of hatred  towards my roommates. I am a person who can tolerate a lot but my roommates have pushed me to such an extent that I can hardly look at them without contemplating a way to kill them. Trust me they are the most stupid, irresponsible, unhygienic, inconsiderate and irritating people to ever walk this earth, and the saddest part is both of them have been put with me in my room, last semester during exams I realized how annoying and disturbing they could be, therefore this semester from the very first month I have maintained my distance with them. I have avoided and ignored them to the extent rudeness. I would tell you the extent to which I have avoided them, there are times when I don't even exchange like a single sentence with my roommates the wh...

The Week

This probably has been one of the most uneventful weeks of this year. Nothing interesting has happened, it is not that life has been monotonous, but nothing happened worth blogging about. Writing has always been a kind of stress reliever for me, but this week has been so stress free for me that I don't need a stress reliever. But when I look back the fact that the week was so stress free makes it one of the important week of the year, its importance stems from the fact that it was so uneventful that the bareness of this week made it eventful.

Just job things.

Okay I don't have a job, yet. But I am doing this online internship where I just got promoted to editorial intern, so now I have to edit other interns article and then ask them to work on these changes and then keep them in toe with the deadlines. Now, this is my first week on this job/internship and I have this intern who is already a day late for the deadline, and my boss is like- "Make her correct the article and ensure that she sends the article in the time limit" and I have already sent her a reminder email, what more can I do. Since this is an online deal I can't even call her or anything. How the hell can I make her do any thing, I am so worried, because I want to be promoted further and now I am messing up on the first week of my internship itself. Also I am in a dilemma as to what should I tell my boss, shall I tell her that I have sent her the suggestions and changes as well as the reminder, or shall I just wait for the intern to reply and then just give ...

Alone but not lonely

I like doing stuff alone, like going out to buy groceries, going to the library or a coffee shop, eating, walking back home, or riding a bus. The reason I do this is because it is liberating, it sets my mind free, gives me time to think, contemplate, wonder, imagine, evaluate, obsess. However it does not mean that I don't want people around me, that I am not social, that I am lonely. I enjoy being alone but then there  are times when I see people around me, people having fun with their parents, lovers or friends and then I miss my loved one's and suddenly I realize being alone and lonely are two different things, and  I don't want to be lonely. I have always heard people say that they are alone but not lonely, but frankly I never really understood the difference but yesterday I had gone out to the market with a friend, now usually I go out alone and I do enjoy those walks but it was pretty fun with a friend as well and it was then that I realized that the differ...